This year 8th Grade students are doing classwork a little different this year. Each student received a Chromebook to complete their assignments. The work will be completed through the use of the Summit Learning Platform. In the Summit Learning experience, students are aware of what they are learning, why they are learning it and how they learn best. Students become self-directed learners and develop the behaviors and mindsets for success. Teachers have the tools they need to customize instruction to meet student's unique needs and interests, as well as the time and support to build strong relationships with students. Teachers facilitate authentic, deeper learning projects and provide coaching and feedback on cognitive skills. Teachers target instruction individually and in small groups based on real-time student assessment data. Teachers mentor students in weekly check-ins, provide ongoing feedback, serve as a coach, and advocate to develop habits of success such as learning strategies, emotional intelligence, and interpersonal skills. Teachers develop strong relationships with students to understand their aspirations, help them set goals and reflect on their progress through weekly mentoring check-ins.
Students are empowered to become self-directed learners. Students set goals for their learning. They reflect on their progress and build habits to help them succeed in college, career, and life with mentorship from their teachers. Students engage with projects that connect the classroom to the real world. When students work in teams to apply what they're learning to projects that mimic and solve real-world problems, they develop strong collaboration, communication, and critical thinking skills. Students work through playlists of Arkansas State Standards and Next Generation Science Standards. Students work at their own pace and take assessments on demand. No matter what students want to accomplish in their lives, they need a plan to make that dream a reality. Students set and track short-term academic goals and long-term college and career goals.
The 8th grade teachers are excited about using these tools to meet the individual educational needs of every student. Our goal for all students is to ensure they have success in the future. For more information you can search Summit Learning on the web at www.summitlearning .org